Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day Seven - keeping just ahead of target.

Day Seven

Word Count: 1111 (ain't that a pretty number?)

Fave line of the day: Then again, she was still wrapped in flanelette pajamas and judging by the shadows under her eyes and the red bird's nest on her head, she hadn't had the best night's sleep either. 

Total word count to date: 7734, which brings me just above where I need to be if I want to do 30k this month. 

I also downloaded the Typewriter program Anne McAllister mentioned in the comments section of my last post. I haven't used it yet, but I love the concept and plan to use it tomorrow when I start a new scene. 


Anne McAllister said...

Rach, let me know how Typewriter works for you. I'm deep into being an 'editor' on my book at the moment, so the 'first draft' notion seems really appealing!

That's always the way it is about writing -- my favorite part is whatever I'm NOT doing now.

Good luck with your word count.

Janette Radevski said...

Excellent word count Rach. Looks like you are off to a great start.

Jackie Ashenden said...

Fantastic, Rach. You're doing so well. My word count for the past week has been a grand total of zero!

Lacey Devlin said...

You're doing fab!