Brief update - cos I'm about to go and eat some celebratory ice-cream - but wanted to let all you faithful blog friends know that I just sent off the next installment of my requested mss to the editor I'm working with at Mills & Boon! NB. I never say MY editor cos I don't want to jinx my luck!
Nice work Rach. Hope it tickles her fancy! Enjoy that icecream
Good luck, m'dear! She'll love it I'm sure.
Fingers and toes crossed!
Woo Hoo! Get into that well deserved ice cream :)
yeah you!! Fingers and toes crossed she loves it :)
Enjoy your ice cream - you deserve it!
Good Luck with it Rach,
You're just around the corner, so lets hope this is the turning point.
Oh what sort of icecream? I love chocolate chipped cookie dough. lol.. even though I'm not a chocolate lover.
Suz :)
Fingers and toes crossed Rach, but you won't need the luck, I'm sure of it! =)
Coming in late...
But GOOD LUCK!!!!!
I bet you knock her socks off.
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