Monday, October 6, 2008

Back to Alphie...

After an extended break from actually writing (was revising and then trying to holiday with my family), I finally threw myself back into the current wip tonight. I've been soooooooooo distracted of late by the Internet (reading emails from fabulous writing buddies, surfing blogs of fabulous writing buddies, etc) that if I give myself an hour to write, it's always diluted with distractions. So tonight, I decided to dig out my faithful Alphasmart again and give it another go. 

I wrote much of one of my novels on this magnificent writing tool, but had all but abandoned it recently. Think I didn't like the idea of not being able to check my word count on a very regular (like every five minutes) basis. 

Tonight I wrote 930 words on Alphie and then added a fair few more when I transferred the work to my computer. And, I'm happy to announce I've finally stormed over the half-way mark on this mss. 

My aim - and I'm putting it out there for all of you to check up on me and push me towards it - is to have the rough draft of this mss finished by the end of October. This means writing about 1000 words a day, which should be reasonable if I don't mind forgoing some sleep :) 

Anyway... speaking of said sleep, I'm off to (hopefully) achieve some.  

Till next time... Happy Writing!


Lucy King said...

Aha, I found you (not in a creepy, stalkerish way, of course, just in a lovely blogosphere way). Much looking forward to reading your chapter - good luck with the critique!

Amanda said...

Woo Hoo Rach - good job!

Keep going girl...

priley65 said...

Congratulations on your win. I hope you all the success in the world with your writing.